Jewish Social Justice Roundtable Affiliates

The Jewish Social Justice Roundtable’s affiliated organizations are staffed by people working for justice around the world. This map of the continental United States illustrates where those staff are located, by city and by state.

Click on a city or state to see a box pop up with all the affiliated organizations in that location. Below the map is a searchable chart that includes US cities and countries around the world.

OrganizationUS CitiesOther Countries
AdamahAtlanta, GA
Baltimore, MD
Bay Area, CA
Boulder, CO
Detroit, MI
Falls Village, CT
Los Angeles, CA
Memphis, TN
New Haven, CT
Philadelphia, PA
New York, NY
ALEPHAnn Arbor, MI
Baltimore, MD
Bay Area, CA
Boston, MA
Denver, CO
Philadelphia, PA
Pittsburgh, PA
Santa Fe, NM
Tulsa, OK
AmeinuNew York, NY
American Jewish World ServiceArlington, VA
Atlanta, GA
Bay Area, CA
Bergenfield, NJ
Bloomingdale, NJ
Cornwall-on-Hudson, NY
Danbury, CT
Fayetteville, GA
Fletcher, NC
Frederick, MD
Great Neck, NY
Homestead, FL
Honolulu, HI
Jersey City, NJ
Long Beach, CA
Massapequa, NY
Maplewood, NJ
New York, NY
Newark NJ
Newton, NJ
Orange, CT
Philadelphia, PA
Pittsburgh, PA
Ridgefield, CT
River Vale, NJ
Rochester, NY
Scarsdale, NY
Silver Spring, MD
Teaneck, NJ
Yonkers, NY
Youngstown, OH
Washington, DC
West Orange, NJ
Dominican Republic
El Salvador
Sri Lanka
AvodahAsheville, NC
Berkeley, CA
Beverly, MA
Boston, MA
Chicago, IL
Durham, NC
Jersey City, NJ
Kingston, NY
New York, NY
New Orleans, LA
Philadelphia, PA
Pittsburgh, PA
Portland, ME
Washington, DC
AytzimNo paid staff
Bend the ArcAnderson, SC
Baltimore, MD
Bay Area, CA
Bloomfield, NJ
Boston, MA
Davie, FL
Detroit, MI
Los Angeles, CA
Minneapolis, MN
New York, NY
Princeton Junction, NJ
Washington, DC
Carolina Jews for JusticeAsheville, NC
Greensboro, NC
Durham, NC
Center for Jewish Food EthicsAustin (TX)
Bay Area, CA
Denver, CO
Los Angeles, CA
Central Conference of American RabbisAtlanta, GA
Boston, MA
Chicago, IL
Houston, TX
New York, NY
Newtown, PA
St. Petersburg, FL
DayenuBay Area, CA
Boston, MA
Chicago, IL
Eugene, OR
Philadelphia, PA
New York, NY
Seattle, WA
Washington, DC
Detroit Jews for JusticeDetroit, MI
ElluminateNew York, NY
EshelBoston, MA
Chicago, IL
Falls Church, VA
New York, NY
Northampton, MA
Philadelphia, PA
FootstepsLos Angeles, CA
New York, NY
Philadelphia, PA
Washington, DC
Habonim Dror North AmericaPhiladelphia, PA
HIASAustin, TX
Los Angeles, CA
New York, NY
Silver Spring, MD
Institute of Southern Jewish LifeChicago, IL
Columbia, MO
Houston, TX
Jackson, MS
Tampa, FL
J-Teen Leadership/UJA Federation of NYWhite Plains, NY
JCRC of St. LouisSt. Louis, MO
Jewish Alliance for Law and Social ActionBoston, MA
Jewish Community ActionTwin Cities, MN
Jewish Community High School of the BayBay Area, CA
Jewish Council for Public AffairsNew York, NY
Philadelphia, PA
Washington, DC
Jewish Council on Urban AffairsChicago, IL
Jewish Emergent NetworkLos Angeles
Jewish Labor CommitteeBoston, MA
Chicago, IL
New York, NY
Philadelphia, PA
Jewish Social Justice RoundtableBay Area, CA
Chapel Hill, NC
Cummington, MA
Dallas, TX
Denver, CO
Los Angeles, CO
New York, NY
Philadelphia, PA
Washington, DC
Jewish Women's ArchiveBoston, MA
Bloomington, IN
Jewish World WatchLos Angeles, CA
New York, NY
Jews For Racial and Economic JusticePhiladelphia, PA
Sommerville, MA
New York, NY
Jews United for JusticeBaltimore, MD
Bay Area, CA
Chicago, IL
Rockville, MD
Washington, DC
Jewtina y Co.Bay Area, CA
Los Angeles, CA
New York, NY
JOIN for JusticeAllentown, PA
Bellingham, WA
Boston, MA
Plainview, NY
Richmond, VA
KeshetBaltimore, MD
Bay Area, CA
Boston, MA
Chicago, IL
Denver, CO
Fort Lauderdale, FL
Fort Worth, TX
Houston, TX
Los Angeles, CA
Miami, FL
New York, NY
Newport News, VA
Philadelphia, PA
St. Louis, MO
Vancouver, WA
Washington, DC
Kirva [fka The IOWA (Inside Out Wisdom and Action) Project]
Boston, MA
Los Angeles, CA
Marlene Meyerson JCC ManhattanNew York, NY
Mayyim HayyimBloomington, IN
Boston, MA
Buffalo, NY
Los Angeles, CA
Minneapolis, MN
Philadelphia, PA
San Diego, CA
Seattle, WA
Washington, DC
Mitsui CollectiveCleveland, OH
San Diego, CA
Moving TraditionsCarlsbad, CA
Chicago, IL
Los Angeles, CA
Marlton, NJ
New York, NY
Philadelphia, PA
Plano, TX
Washington DC
White Plains, NY
National Council of Jewish WomenCleveland, OH
Highland, CA
Morristown, NJ
Portland, OR
Sherman Oaks, CA
Washington, DC
Network of Jewish Human Service AgenciesAtlanta, GA
Baltimore, MD
New York, NY
Paramus, NJ
Philadelphia, PA
Pittsburgh, PA
Portland, OR
Swarthmore, PA
Washington, DC
New Israel FundBay Area, CA
Boston, MA
Chicago, IL
Dania Beach, FL
Los Angeles, CA
New York, NY
Washington, DC
New York Jewish AgendaNew York, NY
Rabbinical AssemblyGaithersburg, MD
Hartford, CT
Los Angeles, CA
Milwaukee, WI
New York, NY
Philadelphia, PA
Sharon, MA
South Orange, NJ,
White Plains, NY
Wilmington, NC
Reconstructing JudaismBurlington, NC
Del Rio, TX
Eugene, OR
Hewlett, NY
Murfreesboro, TN
New York, NY
Philadelphia, PA
Rockland, ME
Reconstructionist Rabbinical AssociationBoston, MA
Philadelphia, PA
Religious Action CenterBay Area, CA
Chicago, IL
Houston, TX
Los Angeles, CA
Montclair, NJ
Washington, DC
Repair the WorldAtlanta, GA
Baltimore, MD
Bay Area, CA
Boston, MA
Chicago, IL
Cleveland, OH
Denver, CO
Detroit, MI
Los Angeles, CA
Miami, FL
New York, NY
Philadelphia, PA
Pittsburgh, PA
Shalom BayitBay Area, CA
Detroit, MI
Society for Humanistic JudaismFarmington Hills, MI
Los Angeles, CA
New York, NY
Oklahoma City, OK
Orlando, FL
Tucson, AZ
T'ruahBay Area, CA
Boston, MA
Mountain Brook, AL
Montclair, NJ
New York, NY
Northbrook, IL
Silver Spring, MD
Takoma Park, MD
Washington, DC
the Den Collective
Arlington, VA
Bethesda, MD
Washington, DC
The Senesh SchoolNew York, NY
The Shalom CenterPhiladelphia, PA
The Workers CircleBoston, MA
Chicago, IL
New York, NY
White Plains, NY
Tikkun Ha-IrMilwaukee, WI
Tivnu: Building JusticePortland, OR
Tzedek LabAthens, GA
Northampton, MA
Union for Reform JudaismAmherst, MA
Bay Area, CA
Chicago, IL
Cincinnati, OH
Houston, TX
Los Angeles, CA
New York, NY
Washington, DC
Urban AdamahBay Area, CA
Uri L'TzedekNew York, NY
Phoenix, AZ
Washington, DC
Wilderness TorahBay Area, CA
Cleveland, OH
Deerfield, MA
YaffedEdison, NJ
New York, NY
White Plains, NY

The information on this page is provided by the Roundtable affiliates. Updated 8/24.

If you work at a Roundtable affiliate and need to request an update to your organization’s information, please submit this form.